

  1. “Focus on what you control.”  — It’s unhelpful to dwell on things outside of your control.
  1. “This too shall pass.”  — “There are more things likely to frighten us than there are to crush us; we suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” - Seneca
  1. “Stay away from negative people.”  — Vibes are contagious.
  1. “Hurt people, hurt people.”  — Don’t react. Remember this.
  1. “Focus on compounding relationships.”  — Focus on building relationships with long-term potential.
  1. “Focus on doing the thing, not the outcome.”  — Commit to the process, not the outcome. You control whether you do it, not how it turns out.
  1. “Stay away from negative people.”
    1. — Vibes are contagious.
  1. “Our brains are built to enjoy stories.”
    1.  — Stories help information stick.
  1. “Misery loves company.”  — So does happiness.
  1. “Happy people rarely become haters.”  — Unconstructive critics are often dealing with their own demons.
  1. “Difficulty reveals character.”  — Our masks fall during struggle. Build friendships through shared struggle. tennis, hackathons, work, travel.
  1. “The more you understand incentives, the less you take things personally.”  — Incentives drive behavior. Sometimes it’s not personal. Change incentives instead of trying to change people.
  1. “It’s easier to resist in the beginning than the end.”  — Mistakes become harder to correct the longer they linger. Sunk costs play tricks on us. Suck it up and rip the bandaid off now. Toxic relationships, bad hires and tough conversations. It’s immediate pain versus chronic pain.
  1. “To know all is to forgive all.”  — You would be more understanding if you knew everything about a person. Look closer when something doesn’t make sense.
  1. “Frustration is an opportunity.”  — Keep an idea journal. Jot down your problems. Some are business opportunities.
  1. “Business opportunities can lead to others.”  — Build something even if you don’t have a “good” idea yet. We find new problems by solving problems.
  1. “Have a rejection goal.”  — Each ‘no’ moves you closer to your goal. Flip the psychology of selling. 
Don’t walk into a place like you wanna buy it, walk in like you own it.  - Matthew McConaughey
The more I train myself to think & focus my intentions toward what I want or think matters (i.e. job, relationship, goals) I notice and recognize them when they come up.
If your intention is already placed on what you want, the belief that you will get what you want will subconsciously draw you closer to that goal in reality.
“All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence and then success is sure.”  - Mark Twain
New things scare us. Do it anyway.
“Knowing how to be solitary is central to the art of loving. When we can be alone, we can be with others without using them as a means of escape.”  - Bell Hooks
Learn to love hanging out with yourself & create your own adventures.
“Are you living proactively or reactively? Establish a north star to orient your decisions around. If you don’t know what you want, you end up with a lot that you don’t.”  –Chuck Palahnuik
Moving with intent is important… and more likely to get you what you want.